Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm so tired!!!

Right now I am so beat, it is 2:20am and I can't believe I'm bloggin'! I need to be in the bed but I know that if I go to bed then I'll have to wake up. O.k. I know you're thinkin' this lady is depressed,but I'm not, I'm in the middle of packing because we're moving in a few days and I am stressed. So now, needless to say, I am venting!!! It is nearly impossible to pack with 3 toddlers and a 1 month old infant child! I have gone through soooo many baby clothes, it's nearly unbelievable. My husband is having a fit because he doesn't know what's what and all I can tell him is "join the crowd!" My children are having fun though they are getting away with murder because I am so pre-occupied with everything. My oldest, Parker, decided to get a permanent marker that I was marking my boxes with and scribble all over my bedroom suit while he was "napping"! I thought oh well it'll come off, Not! I don't know what I'm going to do! Any suggestions? I'd appreciate it if anyone has any ideas. Well, I guess this is enough ranting and raving for one night! Wish me happy packing!

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